Saturday, October 3, 2015

Will You Spend the Rest of Forever With Me?

This morning, I ate at Cracker Barrel with a friend.  We talked about life, our kids, being adoptive moms, sharing some of the most important parts of our lives with women we've never met (birth moms), and just how bizarre life can be sometimes.  It's pretty nice to have a friend who can say, "Been there.  Done that.  Here's what ya need to do to survive..."

But, while we were talking, I couldn't help but be distracted by a couple sitting at the table next to us.  They were giggling, throwing straw wrappers, poking and pinching each other.  They were flirting like crazy!

And, if I were to guess, they were each about 75.

I loved it. 

On November 19th, my husband and I will have been married four years.  And, before that, we dated for seven.  I have spent well over 1/3 of my life with a man encourages me to be me, even when that includes bad cooking, an introvert personality, poor taste in clothes, lots of awkwardness (let's face it, I'm a tall bundle of awkward ways), countless failed New Year's resolutions, zero organization skills, and this little habit of bringing a bajillion kids home.  When I became a vegetarian, his steak-loving-self said "I think that's great!".  When I consider eating meat just because it would be easier to cook for the family, he says, "Don't change unless you want to.  Don't do it for anyone else."  I'm an ugly crier, but that man of mine will kiss away every tear.  He's the calm in every storm -- You'd think that, as such a shy, quiet person, I would have a pretty level head because I don't do much talking (so surely I must do a lot of thinking), right?  Wrong.  But that husband of mine will talk me through every problem, listening to my ramblings and sorting through my drama.  Every time I am down, worried about the future, hurting because - well, because sometimes it just hurts to be a mom, afraid that I'm failing miserably at every aspect of my life... Every time, my husband says, "But I think you're amazing.  You'll always have me." 

Seeing that sweet elderly couple made me happy today because 1) I love people who are in love.  We see so much evil in the world.  It's pretty dang fantastic to see love win.  And 2) because, looking at those two, I was reminded of my husband who will do anything to see me laugh instead of cry.  Who even laughs at my lame jokes.  Who believes I can do anything and be anything I want.  Who loves me, flaws and all.  Who I will grow old forever young with.  

The best part?  

I married a man who I can tell my daughters, "When you're looking for 'the one', for the kind of man to marry, look for someone who's kind like your dad.  Who makes you laugh like your daddy makes me laugh.  Who not only asks how you are, but waits to hear the answer like your daddy does.  Who encourages you to do your best, and loves you even when 'your best' looks a lot like your worst -- just like your daddy does."

I married a man who I - every day - encourage my sons to look up to.  Want to know how to act when you're angry?  Watch your daddy.  Want to know how to treat a girl?  Watch your daddy.  Want to know what to do when you lose, or win, or are confused, or know the answer?  Watch your daddy.  

I created my Club Minivan blog because my life is anything but normal, and I think I have a pretty unique story to share.  My husband is part of that unique story.  There is no way I could have asked my beautiful children to spend the rest of forever as my sons and daughters if this man of mine hadn't first asked me to spend the rest of forever with him.  

"I thank my God every time I remember you."  ~ Philippians 1:3

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